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SunRise 23.5N House

No.25-3, Shizhuo, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County 604, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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SunRise 23.5N House-2
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SunRise 23.5N House-1
SunRise 23.5N House-2
SunRise 23.5N House-3


「Alishan Guest House‧Sunrise 235 Manor」is located near the Alishan Highway, making it very easy and convenient to connect to nearby famous scenic sites, such as Alishan National Scenic Area, Long Tou Cliff, the Fenqihu, Shizhao Eco Reserve, etc…Besides its convenient location, Sunrise 235 Farmstead also amazes visitors by its beautiful tea garden landscape and brisk environment while is surrounded by green woods. 「Alishan Guest House‧Sunrise 235 Manor」is a magnificent and spacious Taiwanese style rural architecture. With a great quantity of woods (Chinese cypress and incense wood) as the base element, the building is further decorated by red brick floor and beige walls. Meanwhile, the overall atmosphere is adopted by dark-colored wood in order to reflect outdoor natural environment. Guests can be fully embraced by fresh fragrance while staying here. The guest rooms are also designed with a great quantity of woods as the main element and are painted into the purest white color. The delicate and exquisite countryside atmosphere releases busy from the city and gives more substantial life experiences.

Address: No.25-3, Shizhuo, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County 604, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: 05-2561358
FAX: 05-2365283
Hotel website: Jump to main content 
The Total Number of Rooms: 5room
Rates: NT$6,000~NT$7,000


Address:9F., No. 290, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an District, Taipei City 10694, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
